Estructura por edad y sexo de la captura de merluza desembarcada. Período 1986-1998

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Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
During the 1986-1998 period the hake (Merluccius hubbsi) fishery in the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic) turned from moderate to intense exploitation. Age and sex structure analysis showed a change in the exploitation pattern. During the three periods defined 1986-1989, 1990-1992 and 1993-1998 a trend towards catching young individuals and a predominance of females age 3 and older was observed. An increase of total mortality was also detected. As a consequence of the establishment of a closed area in mid 1997 ice-chilling and freezer fleets changed operation areas which brought about differences in the catch structure. Freezers showed higher percentages of older ages. An average decrease of 30 in yield number of individuals per unit effort for all ages was also observed.
INIDEP informe técnico, 51. p. 39-56