Aspectos biológico-pesqueros del abadejo (Genypterus blacodes)

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Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP)
The kingklip is one of the species that has been traditionally exploited in the Argentine Sea. Although captures were not very important, they have been increased in the last years. In this paper, the structure of the concentration areas of summer, spring and winter distribution and other biological aspects were analyzed, on the basis of the data collected during cruises carried out by R/V "Walther Herwig" and R/V"Shinkai Maru" in Argentine waters during 1978/79. The trophic spectrum of the kingklip comprises mainly food species of the Classes Pisces and Crustacea as well as other complementary groups like Mollusca, Brachiopoda and haliacea.
Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 6. p. 5-19