Índice de abundancia del grupo merluza de edad 2 en el área de cría patagónica. Período 1995-1998

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Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
An abundance index of hake Merluccius hubbsi individuals age 2 was estimated in the nursery area south of 41°S Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic. The analysis comprised the 1995-1998 period and was made with data derived from research surveys programmed to that end. A mean value estimator of CPUE catch in number of individuals per trawl hour based on delta distribution was used. The spatial distribution of CPUE of age groups 1 and 2 in the area surveyed, total length distribution per survey and the corresponding age composition are presented. The declining trend of abundance index of hake age 2 observed during the four year period amounted to 52.9.
INIDEP informe técnico, 51. p. 27-38