Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
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- ItemAbundancia relativa y rendimiento máximo sostenible de la merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi)(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1980) Otero, H.O.The statistics provided by the Argentinean Fishing Vessel and the biological data collected by scientist in the last eleven years, allow us to estimate different aspects of the population dynamics of the common hake (Merluccius hubbsi). This work deals with the relative abundance and the maximal sustainable yield of this species, considering the bonaerense stock of the Southewest Atlantic. Analyzing the effective fishing density, concluding remarks can be made. The high catches of 1967 (more than 600.000 tons.) made by the Russian Fleet, affected the fishing density in 1968. Since 1969, the resource recovered the high density level as a consequence of a decrease in the catches and in the fishing effort, but vulnerability of the stock is shown.
- ItemAlgunas características de la estructura y del comportamiento migratorio de los cardúmenes de caballa (Scomber japonicus marplatensis) en la plataforma bonaerense (Mar Argentino) : período 1965-1984(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1987) Cousseau, M.B.; Angelescu, Víctor; Perrotta, R.G.Three periods were distinguished during the analyzed years: the first one (1965-1975) may be defined as "normal fishing seasons" occurring from October to March, with catches between 8,000 and 14,000 tons.
- ItemAlgunas características del florecimiento del fitoplancton en el frente del Río de la Plata. I. Los sistemas nutritivos(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1986) Negri, R.M.; Carreto, J.I.; Benavides, H.R.During the spring (H-04/82: october 11-27, 1982) carried out by the Fishery Research Vessel "Dr.E.Holmberg", the distribution of temperature, salinity, nutrients concentration and photosynthetic pigments were studied at the "Rio de la Plata" maritime front. The presence of Sub-Tropical coastal waters in only station did not allow its characterization. Low Chlorophyll a concentration were noted, in association with scarce concentrations of nutrients and high Margalef index values.
- ItemAlgunos aspectos de la biología pesquera del langostino (Pleoticus muelleri) de la Bahía Blanca y un análisis del desembarco comercial del período 1955-1979(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1982) Bertuche, D.A.; Wyngaard, J.G.This study was carried out in order to get somme knowledge on the characteristics of the fisheries of the shrimp Pleoticus muelleri in the area of Bahía Blanca during 1980-1981. Monthly samplings in the fishing area were performed, and the landing data from 1955 to 1979 were analized.
- ItemAlimentación del calamar Illex argentinus en la región patagónica durante el verano de los años 2006, 2007 y 2008(Mar del Plata : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 2010) Ivanovic, Marcela L.The information gathered during four research cruises carried out in January and February of 2006, 2007 and 2008 allowed to analyze the summer feeding pattern of Illex argentinus squid in the shelf and slope of the Patagonian region (43º S-51º S), SW Atlantic Ocean. Intake, that took place during daytime, had its peak as of midday. Of the preys eaten amphipods and euphausiids, two groups of zooplanktonic organisms, represented 71-99% of the diet. The most frequent preys found in three of the four cruises corresponded to amphipods, represented by a single species, the hyperiid Themisto gaudichaudii, that accounted for over 50% of the food consumed. When depth of the catching area was beyond 100 m an increase in consumption of squid and fish by specimens above 20 cm ML was observed. No clear trends were found between the type of prey consumed and the time of catches or the degree of stomach repletion of the predator. The diet, of low diversity, showed that 56-62% of the squids studied fed on a single type of prey.
- ItemAnálisis de los desembarques declarados de condrictios a partir de la implementación de la veda en el área del Tratado del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo (2006-2014)(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Bernasconi, Juan F.; Monsalvo, Mariano; Prosdocimi, Laura; Martínez Puljak, Gustavo; Navarro, GabrielaIn 2007 the Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo established a closed area to bottom trawl in fishing rectangle 3656 to protect chondrichthyan reproductive aggregations and juveniles. The aim of this work was to analyze the evolution of said measure, the skate and shark landings declared during the 2006-2014 period in said rectangle and the distribution of the fleet before and after implementation. In the period evaluated, the duration of the closed area it was extended from 59 to 151 days and a reduction of tonnes of skates and sharks declared in the Argentine Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone of rectangle 3656 and an increase in the participation of said species in landings of the area of provincial jurisdiction was observed. The same trend was proved in the fishing activity if compare the season 2006-2007 (without closed area) and the season 2012-2013 (with closed area). During the closed season a northeast displacement of activities, a high catch level and fishing operations in the adjacent rectangles were observed.
- ItemAspectos biológico-pesqueros de la merluza de cola del Atlántico Sudoccidental(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1984) Bezzi, S.I.The distribution areas and population structure of the long-tailed hake are analized. Data come from fisheries research cruises carried out by RV Walther Herwig and Shinkai Maru in the Argentine Sea in 1978/79. Macruronus magellanicus is a typical cold waters species of the Southwest Atlantic and Southeast Pacific Oceans. Maximum concentrations were found in the southern Patagonian shelf, in coastal waters and in depths below 200 m. Spawning individuals were observed on the continental slope in the southern extreme of the Patagonian shelf (54°). The distribution area extend to 93,439 n mi² in spring and to 12,368 n mi² in summer.
- ItemAspectos biológico-pesqueros del abadejo (Genypterus blacodes)(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1986) Renzi, M.A.The kingklip is one of the species that has been traditionally exploited in the Argentine Sea. Although captures were not very important, they have been increased in the last years. In this paper, the structure of the concentration areas of summer, spring and winter distribution and other biological aspects were analyzed, on the basis of the data collected during cruises carried out by R/V "Walther Herwig" and R/V"Shinkai Maru" in Argentine waters during 1978/79. The trophic spectrum of the kingklip comprises mainly food species of the Classes Pisces and Crustacea as well as other complementary groups like Mollusca, Brachiopoda and haliacea.
- ItemAspectos generales de la pesca del bonito (Sarda sarda) en la Argentina(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1987) Hansen, J.E.Basic aspects of the fising of Bonito in Argentina such as: catch statistics, fleet and gears, season and fishing grounds, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) are analized. FAO World Catch Statistics show that none of the different populations of Sarda sarda or other species of the Genus may support a highly productive fishery Exceptions are Sarda chilensis and S.sarda from the Black Sea, which us exploited by Turkey. On the basis of available information it may be inferred that the Bonito of Argentina has more competitors and a narrower thophic spectrum than that from the Black Sea.
- ItemBiology and fishery of long tail hake (Macruronus magellanicus) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Giussi, Analía R.; Zavatteri, Anabela; Di Marco, Emiliano; Gorini, Federico L.; Bernardele, Juan C.; Marí, Noemí R.Long tail hake is one of the most important finfish resources in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SAO). This demersal-pelagic fish is widely distributed from 35° S to 56° S between 50 and 800 m depth. In the Patagonian region the species is found on the shelf, associated with three different water masses: Coastal, Shelf and Malvinas Waters, while north of 45° S it is related to the shelf break, following the Malvinas waters. A separate small stock, evident because of its different growth patterns, occurs inside San Matías Gulf. There is no strong difference in growth patterns between sexes, however females are larger than males, principally after the first maturity that occurs at 3 years old. Maximum age observed was 16 years old, but fish older than 12 years are scarce in the population. The dietary composition changes during the life cycle, juveniles are mainly microphagous and adults incorporate larger preys of several invertebrates and vertebrates taxa. Principal food items are zooplankton species; the most abundant are hyperiid amphipods and euphausiids. Fish and cephalopods are secondary prey. Few fish species predate on long tail hake: Southern hake (Merluccius australis), spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), and Argentine hake (M. hubbsi). Cannibalism is not reported in long tail hake. Spawning areas have not been detected yet but some signals in somatic conditions allow inferring that this process may occur during spring. A systematic series of summer demersal standard swept area trawl surveys has been conducted since 1992 to assess the population, suggesting that maximum long tail hake biomass was more than 2 million tonnes in the mid 1990’s. Those results were employed as an index of abundance in the annual stock assessment to establish the Total Allowable Catch, but neither environmental variables nor economic effects have been considered yet. Fishing activities began during the mid 1970’s when yields were not significant, but beginning in the 1980’s several fleets targeted long tail hake, increasing catches up to 168,000 t. Products are exported to Europe, Asia and South America.
- ItemBiology and fishery of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi)(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Irusta, C. Gabriela; Macchi, Gustavo J.; Louge, Elena; Rodrigues, Karina A.; D'Atri, Luciana L.; Villarino, María Fernanda; Santos, Betina A.; Simonazzi, MarioArgentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) is a demersal, eurythermic and euryhaline species associated to subantarctic waters of the continental shelf and slope. The species, considered the main fishery resource of Argentina that in 2011 reached the maximum catch and export levels, distributes from Southern Brazil to 55° S in a 50-400 m depth range. The three stocks identified, located between 34° S-41° S, south of said latitude and in the San Matías Gulf, show differences as regards reproduction and nursery areas and time, meristic and morphometric characters, abundance level and growth parameters. At the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) annual assessments of the exploitation status of the stocks north and south of 41° S are carried out and management recommendations made. In this chapter, the biology, fishery characteristics, population abundance and structure and management recommendations for the two main Argentine hake stocks are described.
- ItemBiology and fishery of the Southern hake (Merluccius australis) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Giussi, Analía R.; Gorini, Federico L.; Di Marco, Emiliano; Zavatteri, Anabela; Marí, Noemí R.Southern hake (Merluccius australis) is distributed mainly south of 50° S around South America, occurring in cold temperate waters of subantarctic origin. In the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SAO) only adults are abundant. This species is icththyophagous and malacophagous, feeding mainly on long tail hake (Macruronus magellanicus) and several cephalopods (Illex argentinus, Onykia ingens, Doryteuthis gahi). Age and growth studies show significant sexual differences; females grow to a larger size than males. In recent years, the highest biomasses, estimated from trawl surveys using the swept area method, are about 10,000 t. Fish 4 to 8 years old usually dominate commercial landings. Only a few factory trawler vessels have southern hake as a target species. They operate over the main fishing grounds located near Tierra del Fuego and at the eastern mouth of the Beagle Channel. Average annual landings are about 5,000 t.
- ItemCaracterísticas ambientales, reproducción y alimentación de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi)y la anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) en su hábitat reproductivo patagónico. Síntesis y perspectivas(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 2004) Sabatini, M.Fish recruitment seems to be influenced by environmental variability; the plankton would act as a link between both processes. While environmental variability can be explained in terms of physical forcing, recruitment variability is partly determined by the survival of early larvae. In this review, the available information on hydrography and plankton in relation to reproduction and feeding of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and anchovy (Engraulis anchoita)in the Patagonian Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic spawning ground was summarized and integrated. The objective was to assess what is actually known about the environmental and planktonic features of the region that may have an effect on the recruitment of both species. In the Patagonian spawning ground, detection, in summer, of two major frontal systems of different nature, with a high planktonic production that would coincide with the spawning and nursery areas of hake and anchovy must be mentioned. Hence, it is suggested to test for the local species some well-known hypotheses about the possible physically-mediated mechanisms that may have an impact on the growth and survival of larvae and juveniles
- ItemCaracterísticas limnológicas, ictiofauna y abundancia de Odontesthes bonariensis de 35 lagunas de la región pampeana (Argentina)(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Mancini, Miguel; Grosman, Fabián; Sanzano, Pablo; Del Ponti, Omar; Salinas, VíctorIn the shallow lakes of the Pampean region (Argentina), that have different limnological characteristics and are the habitat of a wide variety of fish, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis shows the greatest sport and commercial interest. Although those water bodies were categorized as clear or turbid, their open or closed condition has received little attention. It has been suggested that the connection between those environments favours displacement of fish and colonization of new ecosystems. The objectives of this work were to evaluate certain limnological characteristics, the diversity of ichthyofauna, catch per unit effort in number (CPUEn) and biomass (CPUEb) of O. bonariensis in 35 Pampean shallow lakes and examine their degree of association and differences according to the condition of open or closed. Of the 22 fish species identified, O. bonariensis and Oligosarcus jenynsii were the most frequent with richness ranging 1-14 species. Water conductivity and the CPUEn and CPUEb of O. bonariensis showed wide variations. It was determined that the geographic location influences ichthyofauna composition. Up to 8,000 µS cm-1the open/closed condition has a greater effect on fish richness and diversity than water conductivity. In open shallow lakes, the conductivity was correlated with the CPUEn of O. bonariensis. Although they are inhabited by a larger diversity of species, O. bonariensis is the most frequent in both types of aquatic environments.
- ItemCaracterísticas poblacionales de la anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita) del Mar Argentino. Parte I. El largo medio al primer año de vida, crecimiento y mortalidad(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1984) Hansen, J.E.; Cousseau, M.B.; Gru, D.L.A total of 7263 otoliths were collected from anchovy samples taken during two pelagic cruises which were carried out in the Spring of 1978. An statistical analysis of back calculated length distributions of one-year-old fish (L1) was made. The L1 mean values taken by geographical latitude form a cline, with higher values in the northern samples, and decreasing Southwards. Within this latitudinal gradient two main anchovy populations can be identified, one in the region of Buenos Aires Province and the other in Patagonian waters. The L1 of the females is significatively larger than that of the males for the former population, whereas in the Patagonian area differences between sexes are not significant. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy Growth curves, as well as the instantaneous total mortality rates (Z), were estimated for both populations by each cruise.
- ItemConsideraciones sobre el crecimiento de la caballa (Scomber japonicus marplatensis) durante su primer año de vida(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1982) Sánchez, R.P.Through the analysis of the morphological changes ocurring in the process of growth, it was possible to identify three stages (primary juvenile: 25-75 mm; secondary juvenile: 76-160 mm; and juvenile preadult: 161-250 mm) during the first year of the species life. Regression equations for the different relations studied: body weight/body lenght, body surface/body lenght, body surface/body weight, and metabolic rate/body lenght, have been calculated for each stage. The variation of the number of gill rakers, mean distance between adjacent rakers and mean values of gill rakers lenght in reference to body growth was studied, and the relation between filtering area and body length was established.
- ItemConsideraciones sobre la explotación del mejillón (Mytilus platensis) en la costa bonaerense. Resultados de la campaña de prospección del "Banco Faro Querandí" (junio 1981)(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1986) Lasta, M.L.; Parma, A.M.; Pascual, M.S.; Zampatti, E.A.The fishing of the mussel (Mytilus edulis platensis) off the Buenos Aires coast was alternatively carried out over two main grounds: "Faro Querandí" and "Quequén". The fluctuations of fishing periods on these grounds must have been determined by economic considerations. An abandoned bed may be considere, for practical purposes, depleted.The understanding of the dynamics of this spatially distributed stock could enable us to link more closely the biological cycles with those of the fishing activity. Rotative fishing is suggested as a managment strategy for this fishery.
- ItemCrustáceos Decápodos y Estomatópodos asociados a la pesquería del langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) en el golfo San Jorge, Argentina(Mar del Plata : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 2006) Roux, A.; Piñero, R.The analysis of the data obtained in five research cruises carried out during the year 2000 allowed to describe the composition, structure and distribution of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans of the benthic communities of the San Jorge Gulf associated to Patagonian red shrimp fishing grounds. Results show that decapod and stomatopod crustaceans account for 71% of the total crustacean species registered in the benthic community. Munida subrugosa is the species that presents the highest values of relative abundance, frequency of occurrence and relative importance index. The feeding habits of Libidoclaea granaria, Lithodes santolla and Peltarion spinosulum and food availability in the San Jorge Gulf fishing grounds explain the high frequency of occurrence of said species in the sector. Distribution and abundance of Pterygosquilla armata armata is also clearly related to traditional fishing grounds (IR= 51.58). Abundance and predator and scavenger behaviour of this group of species result in a “cleaning” effect on the fishing grounds thus allowing for a rapid recovery after a fishing activity period.
- ItemDesarrollo embrionario de Pagrus pagrus bajo distintas condiciones de salinidad y temperaturas de incubación(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, 2016) Berrueta, M. Mercedes; Suárez, Julieta; Aristizábal, Eddie O.Pagrus pagrus is a demersal species widely distributed in the Mediterranean and the eastern and western shores of the Atlantic Ocean. In Argentina it distributes naturally along the coast of the Buenos Aires Province between 10 and 50 m depth. The estimate of egg quality during the early stages of embryonic development is a useful predictive criterion to evaluate the potential of the species to produce juveniles. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the stages of embryonic development and larval hatching time under different conditions of salinity and temperature. The fertilized eggs obtained from natural spawning were incubated at 15, 30 and 40 salinity levels combined with 14 and 18 °C temperature. In the different experiments the embryonic stages were photomicrographed and structures described. Egg development was completed in all experiments made. At 18 °C the fully formed embryo hatched at 40 h postfertilization; at 14 °C hatching occurred 73 h after. The effect of salinity on embryonic development was reflected in an irregular growth of blastomeres during the cleavage stages at 15 and 40 salinity with a subsequent abnormal development of the caudal region in larvae incubated at said levels. Knowing the embryonic stages, sequence of segmentation, time of organ formation and duration of embryonic development until hatching is a basic requirement to evaluate the quality of egg batches devoted to mass larvae production.
- ItemDeterminación experimental del límite de detección, en el análisis de metales pesados en organismos marinos, por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica(Mar del Plata: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), 1984) Moreno, V.J.; Pérez, A.The determination limit is defined as the minimum concentration of a substance in a sample that can be distinguished from the background with a given probability, using a particular analytical method. It is assumed that the concept of detention can be used satisfactorily to quality an analytical method. Some criteria which are necessary for intercalibration purpose are given in this paper. An algebraic method to calculate the detection limit easily and with minimum experimental work was developed. A method to determine the number of repetitions needed when the levels of the analyzed substance are near or under the detection limit of the method is also shown.